The Only Authorized Yamaha Music School in Mississauga

Student Achievements
(Yamaha Junior Music Course 2021)

Student Achievements
(Yamaha Music Wonderland 2022)

Student Achievements
(Student of the Quarter Award)

Student Achievements
(YIP's Music Festival 2021)
Competing in Music Festivals and Competitions form part of the curriculum when teachers think the student is ready for it. But it is never the main focus of learning music. There is a considerable amount of evidence that competitions are beneficial to both children’s musical education and their overall development. Through competition, students learnt the lifelong lesson that failure can occur, and when it does, they learn to ‘identify the problems, remedy the deficiencies, reset their goals, and grow from their experiences.’ (Dr Sylvia Rimm, Psychologist)
We have selected a handful of students to participate in the YIP’s Music Festival in April 2021 and have received exciting results!
Our students worked very hard preparing for this competition. They received excellent comments, feedback and certificate(s) from the Adjudicator!
Charlotte Chan
Davis Tang
Elkan Liu
Welton Leung
Jayden Chau (2nd Place - Group A - Level 2)
Nathan Patterson (3rd Place - Group SD - Level 2)
Nathan Patterson (3rd Place Group A - Level 3)
Abigail Natnat (3rd Place - Group C - Level 5)

Student Achievements
(Peel Music Festival 2022)
Congratulations to our students for their huge achievements at the Peel Music Festival:
Nathan Patterson - 2nd place Vocal
Welton Leung - 2nd place Piano
Selina Chau - 1st place Piano

Student Achievements
(YIP's Music Festival 2022)
Level 1, List C - Selina Chau (2nd Place)
Level 1, Etude, Level 2, List C - Welton Leung (2nd & 3rd Place)
Level 3, List B - Jada Leung (3rd Place)
Level 4, Etude - Elkan Liu (2nd Place)
Level 5, Etude, Level 5 List C - Group A - Jayden Chau (3rd Place - 2x)
Level 5, List C - Group A - Nathan Patterson (3rd Place)

Student Achievements
(Royal Conservatory of Music)
Davis Tang - RCM Grade 5 Piano (First Class Honours)
Max Jia - RCM Grade 6 Piano (First Class Honours)